Bad Blogger
Apparently, I really suck at updating all of my blogs.
What have I been up to?
With the launch of Elsweyr, ESO has unleashed not only dragons but also Necromancers! So, being afflicted with altitis as I am, I've made two: Amariel Thorne and Skada Rune-Weaver. Amariel is a magicka vampire DD and Skada will be a stamina (PvP/tankish) DD.
Amariel got married (!!!) to Conquietus, a character of Dom's creation. (We're buddies.)
During the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood event, I wreaked havoc. Then, I finished the DB questline and gained the title Silencer. I'm not quite done with the Litany of Blood, but I'm pretty close.
That anniversary event released a new indrik berry. The next indrik is on its way and it's the cute ebony one (with a white-blue glow). You can view it in the paddock next to the Impresario, while she's up, anyway. The second berry comes out next week, during the Orsinium anniversary event. I haven't decided if I should start the Orsinium questline or just wait until next week to get started and do it all. The only time I've even been there was to do the dailies for the tickets during the last event, so I'm way behind. I can't remember if it came out after or before the DB/TG DLCs, but I don't suppose that really matters.
I finally finished the Coldharbour zone quests on Siladhiel, my mag sorcerer. However, I've still got some of the main story quests left to finish (I think just the last one, where I face off against Molag Bal. The game prompted me to do Coldharbour first, so that's probably what it is). This will be the first character I finish the main story questline on. I'm excited to see how it plays out but I've been putting it off for some reason. Probably because there's ALWAYS something to do in ESO; there are SO MANY stories/quests, zones to explore, NPCs to stab, pockets to pick, chests to loot... Okay, so I've been playing my sneak-thief maybe a little too much. I still suck at stamina nightblade-ing, but I enjoy being a little chaotic evil from time to time. She's the one I did the TG/DB quests on. I can't imagine doing them on a non-NB because sneaking is required and I don't have any other characters I can do that on, at least not successfully.
Meanwhile, in real life: my health is still pretty meh, but that's better than bad! I've started on Weight Watchers (WW) now and have lost over 10 lbs so far. It's kinda exhausting to count absolutely everything, and I keep getting SO hungry even though I shouldn't be. I'm especially bad at bored-hunger and hunger before I go to bed, and that's when I'm most likely to snack on unhealthy foods. I need to get better at meal planning and prep. It's so difficult when you never have enough energy! I'm now taking diet pills (Hydroxycut) to give me a little bit more energy because my narcolepsy medicine alone hasn't been cutting it. I was taking a different kind of energy pill before (I think that was called Energize) but it didn't have the diet stuff in it and didn't help as much. I still lack the motivation to do the things I need to do, but I feel like I'm finally headed in the right direction. Pain is still off and on, especially bad early and late in the day, but between my muscle relaxers, CBD oil, and my trusty heating pad, it's usually manageable.
Ugh, the fatigue is overwhelming me right now and I fear I'll only make even less sense as I continue to write.
Look me up in The Elder Scrolls Online (PC-NA)! My ign is @VeronicaStormborn.
{{ I have some awful drama [related to a specific streamer] I'd like to address but that will have to wait until I'm slightly more coherent. }}
What have I been up to?
With the launch of Elsweyr, ESO has unleashed not only dragons but also Necromancers! So, being afflicted with altitis as I am, I've made two: Amariel Thorne and Skada Rune-Weaver. Amariel is a magicka vampire DD and Skada will be a stamina (PvP/tankish) DD.
Amariel got married (!!!) to Conquietus, a character of Dom's creation. (We're buddies.)
During the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood event, I wreaked havoc. Then, I finished the DB questline and gained the title Silencer. I'm not quite done with the Litany of Blood, but I'm pretty close.
That anniversary event released a new indrik berry. The next indrik is on its way and it's the cute ebony one (with a white-blue glow). You can view it in the paddock next to the Impresario, while she's up, anyway. The second berry comes out next week, during the Orsinium anniversary event. I haven't decided if I should start the Orsinium questline or just wait until next week to get started and do it all. The only time I've even been there was to do the dailies for the tickets during the last event, so I'm way behind. I can't remember if it came out after or before the DB/TG DLCs, but I don't suppose that really matters.
I finally finished the Coldharbour zone quests on Siladhiel, my mag sorcerer. However, I've still got some of the main story quests left to finish (I think just the last one, where I face off against Molag Bal. The game prompted me to do Coldharbour first, so that's probably what it is). This will be the first character I finish the main story questline on. I'm excited to see how it plays out but I've been putting it off for some reason. Probably because there's ALWAYS something to do in ESO; there are SO MANY stories/quests, zones to explore, NPCs to stab, pockets to pick, chests to loot... Okay, so I've been playing my sneak-thief maybe a little too much. I still suck at stamina nightblade-ing, but I enjoy being a little chaotic evil from time to time. She's the one I did the TG/DB quests on. I can't imagine doing them on a non-NB because sneaking is required and I don't have any other characters I can do that on, at least not successfully.
Meanwhile, in real life: my health is still pretty meh, but that's better than bad! I've started on Weight Watchers (WW) now and have lost over 10 lbs so far. It's kinda exhausting to count absolutely everything, and I keep getting SO hungry even though I shouldn't be. I'm especially bad at bored-hunger and hunger before I go to bed, and that's when I'm most likely to snack on unhealthy foods. I need to get better at meal planning and prep. It's so difficult when you never have enough energy! I'm now taking diet pills (Hydroxycut) to give me a little bit more energy because my narcolepsy medicine alone hasn't been cutting it. I was taking a different kind of energy pill before (I think that was called Energize) but it didn't have the diet stuff in it and didn't help as much. I still lack the motivation to do the things I need to do, but I feel like I'm finally headed in the right direction. Pain is still off and on, especially bad early and late in the day, but between my muscle relaxers, CBD oil, and my trusty heating pad, it's usually manageable.
Ugh, the fatigue is overwhelming me right now and I fear I'll only make even less sense as I continue to write.
Look me up in The Elder Scrolls Online (PC-NA)! My ign is @VeronicaStormborn.
{{ I have some awful drama [related to a specific streamer] I'd like to address but that will have to wait until I'm slightly more coherent. }}
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